Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My First Blog, why copyright?

Hello, everyone I am here under duress, well sort of. I am taking a Cyber Law Class and our instructor loves blogs and wanted us to create one well here it is.

Our instructions were to create a blog that addresses law, mainly cyber law. I am a amateur photographer and I have sold some of my photos. I've wanted to set up a website to buy and sell them, however I don't want people to steal them. It would be my luck that someone made a killing off of me when I have been too chicken to peddle them myself. I have sold a few here and there.

So here we are, sitting on the fence. I would not mind if someone used them for their desk top or screen saver just as long as they did not pass them around. Most people do not understand the cost involved in photo equipment, film, developing, printing, mini drives, scanners, photo editing software, etc. Not to mention the gas it costs now a days to get to where ever to take the photo and my time.

I do not feel it is anyone's right to just take it without a fee of some kind. If I was selling millions of photos and calendars, books etc., I might put a few up and let you have at it, but that is not the case. Therefore I ought to be paid for my efforts. So that's how I feel about copyrights for photos on the net.

To help facilitate this blog, If you have any comments on this subject or questions please post your comments. This blog (discussion board) is here to talk about copyrights and internet intellectual property law.

Updated February 12, 06

Thanks Egleyes


At Wednesday, 08 February, 2006, Blogger Photnutz said...

Ok gang when is everyone going to add a post, there is not much participation going on her!

At Wednesday, 08 February, 2006, Blogger Marsha Loftis said...

nice site so far. Keep going maybe this will grow into something incredible.

At Thursday, 09 February, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a good frist draft, nice colors, interesting photo-catches the eye. I would like more information on copywrites, for example; how do I proctect my photos on line. Tell me more about the laws of copywriting on line.

How might I emboss my name over the photo so viewers can see it but not copy it?

At Friday, 10 February, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have loved an original photo (something special for my birthday) that I could hang in my office and tell everyone about the very special photographer..might be good for business!


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